Billy Stutt and the Richmond Flyboys

The New South Wales State Aviation School 1915-1918 and beyond

by aero historian Neville F Hayes

Billy Stutt

While the Australian Defence Department's Central Flying School at Point Cook struggled to keep training planes in the air during WW1 the NSW Government created an Aviation School on Ham Common at Clarendon, west of Sydney, complete with land, buildings, aircraft and experienced instructors and mechanics, to train pilots for service abroad.

With no suitable training planes available NSW turned to the USA's Curtiss Jenny JN4.

The coup de grace was the appointment of W. J. "Billy" Stutt as Chief Instructor. Billy left his home in Hawthorn before the War to learn to fly in England. So successful was Billy he returned to Australia with amazing credentials—Chief Test Pilot at Farnborough, over 6000 ascents in every conceivable aircraft type, and not one crash—and the first appointed King's Messenger when the War began, ferrying planes and messages across the Channel and often returning with captured German planes.

Instructors Stutt and Lang treat the crowd of 4,000 to an aerial display of the new planes

In the first two years of instruction Stutt undertook training of around 130 pilots. Not all were successful. His assistant, Lt Andrew Lang left after a few months. Undaunted, Stutt appointed two of his star pupils from the 2nd Course to Instructor status, and the training continued seamlessly.

Stutt was a wizard, could both fly and teach." A.F.Woodward-Gregory, trainee.

28th August, 1916: The Official Opening.
Liberally interspersed with many previously unseen photographs provided by the fliers' families, the book is less a traditional history presentation and more the bringing to life the story of the student pilots, the part they played in the Great War of 1914-18, and the politics behind the scenes. Flyboys tells the story for the descendant families, many of whom knew little more that 'he said he was a flyer'. And keeps alive the names of those who served the nation, some of whom paid the supreme sacrifice.

The Curtiss Jenny JN4 and the main hangar.
Second Course trainees.

Many of the pilots could not be accommodated by the Army at Point Cook. The NSW Government paid their passage direct to England by ship to join the RAF. Sadly their names do not therefore appear in the Australian National Archives. After the War the land and buildings on the Common became the fledgling Richmond Air Base, the top arm of Aerial Defence in Australia.

1st Course Jack Faviel in the Curtiss Jenny in which he gained his Aust. Aero Club Cert. in Dec 1916. Jack also served as a Squadron Leader in PNG during WW2.

Truly brilliant. I consider this publication one of the best on early Australian aviation and I'm sure it will be used as the standard reference work on the history of Richmond Aerodrome. With 322 pages it is a huge repository of important milestones and relevant people. It has my unqualified 100% recommendation.

Ben Dannecker, Nowra NSW, Pilot/Historian

A superb history meticulously researched and presented. I thoroughly recommend it.

Keith Meggs, DFM, AAM, Pres. AHSA, Fighter Pilot, 77 Sqn

Michael Cleary of the 1st Course scored 2 victories on patrol over enemy lines at Villers-Bretonneaux before being shot down and killed in March 1918.

Gordon Oxenham, 2nd Course. KIA June 1918 near Kutrani flying a Bristol fighter. Shot from the ground by the gunner of an enemy aircraft he had just shot down.

G R Lane-Collett, 4th Course

A very keen student, Lane-Collett failed the course after demolishing a chook-house with a new Curtiss JN4B while on a test run. The body of the plane was towed back to Richmond by car, and the wings returned by horse and cart. He later became an electrical engineer at the Naval Dockyards.

314 pages, indexed. Many previously unseen photographs.

Bio's and photos of all the trainees, instructors, mechanics and ground staff. Full chapters on the Curtiss Jennies and the life and career of Billy Stutt

ISBN 978 0 9578 705 3 1
$50.00 AUD + postage
Postage within Australia: 1 copy $10, 2-3 copies $15, 4-6 copies $20
Postage to NZ / South Pacific 1 copy $20, multiple copies on quotation
Postage to UK/Europe/US/Canada 1 copy $35, multiple copies on quotation

Author - Neville Hayes, Member Aviation Historical Society of Australia, and Australian Association of WW1 Historians.

Sadly, after suffering a heart attack, Neville never saw his 25 years of work in print. The body of his research was by mail to the descendant families before the internet data available today. The research was completed by brother Barry with the assistance of elder brother Graeme and sister Beth.

The Tambu Ground

by Barry Hayes

For every romantic, a breath of the Pacific.
For every Islander, a touch of home.

The Tambu Ground is a 125,000-word novel set in the exotic Solomon Islands. This book by Australian author, Barry Hayes, features all indigenous characters, culture and customs in a contemporary Island setting. His life shattered by earthquake, a young Islander seeks survival in a world in which he is suddenly a friendless fringe-dweller, his village, gone. Now torn between the spirit worship of old and the new Christianity, a chance meeting with a stunning young girl from the Western Solomons begins a series of events and situations in which he has no experience—love, loneliness, and the attention of an awesome enemy with powers of black magic. Escape? Guadalcanal - Malaita? Or land nobody owns - of which the old men whispered tales of horror in the dank shadows of night? The Tambu Ground.

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What to do when your child throws a Tantrum in the Supermarket

by Marriage and Relationship Counsellor, Denise Hayes

This 24 page mini manual assures parents that child tantrums are developmentally normal - suggests what parents can do when the tantrum is in full cry, and lists what NOT to do, and why. Denise maintains that ignoring a tantrum is a form of conditional love and of abandonment - that a child at its most unlovable is in the greatest need of love. Also relates adult problem issues in today's world to events in childhood. This work is best read through what we feel rather than what we know. "Feelings are perfect," says Denise, "what we know is not." The manual is superbly illustrated by Hazel Collins, an artist from Balmoral in Western Victoria.

What is a tantrum? Is it normal? Can it be beneficial? Why not ignore it? Clues to cause. Unconditional love. Does it indicate bad parenting? What to do. What not to do. Little tantrums. Emotions and feelings. Toddler's needs. Unmet child needs become later adult needs. The angry child. The angry parent. Anger management checklist. Abandonment. Time = love. Making a fresh start.

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Sample Pages What not to do | Little tantrums

Nobody told me!

by Denise Hayes

Shame-based parenting rules and practices.
If we don't "fix it"—we pass it on.

Nobody told me! Shame—The Impact of Shame in Multi-Generational Family Systems and Parenting Practices.

2000 copies sold in Australia, New Zealand and USA

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A reference work for counsellors and a manual for parents to assist in identifying and healing the childhood shame and decimated self-esteem. Walks step by step through the toxic parenting rules and practices from infancy to adolescence—on into adult life, exposing the destructive family system cycle and adult consequences. Advice on recovery. Indexed, illustrated, the A4 size work comprises 210 pages set out in user-friendly, dot-point format. Major sections on self-esteem, shame, styles of parenting, developmental stages of childhood, communication, family of origin, abandonment, anger, abuse. The work integrates information from the world's icons and leading practitioners, including John Bradshaw, Alice Miller, Gershen Kaufman, Eric Erikson, Harvelle Hendrix, John Bowlby, M.Scott Peck—many others.

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About the authors

Author and publisher Barry Hayes - former local government manager in Victoria and Financial and Commercial Advisor to the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation. Long time member of the Fellowship of Australian Writers - Former President of the Bayside (Melb.) Regional Branch. Barry also offers help to those seeking to present their family history, life anecdotes, poetry or stories in book or booklet form for gifts to children and relatives - perhaps wanting a limited number of copies.
Drafting assistance for those for whom English is a second language.

Author/Marriage and Relationships Counsellor/Therapist, Denise Hayes, BA, ADWS, Cert.MC, AIWCW, is an experienced practitioner who uses all the traditional therapy models in her counselling service. Denise nevertheless finds the vast majority of problem relationships and personal issues stem from shame in the childhood years—often systemic, often unintentional, from within the Family System. Thus Family Systems Therapy and parent education have become the focus of her work. Denise will respond to queries with basic advice and where to go for help.